Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pannapost... whoooosh!

Look out kiddies! It's a bird... it's a plane... it's... PANDA! (complete with panda ink)

Um... so I swear I wasn't just dry-humping the side of this blog. DON'T JUDGE ME. I'm here with an important community service announcement. I wish to advise everyone that these innocent-looking little suckers:

...are INSANELY ADDICTIVE. I kid you not. I went through an entire boxful yesterday. AN ENTIRE BOXFUL. THAT IS LUNACY. They should come armed with a government warning, like this:

Except less post-it-esque and more governmenty. HEY I HAVE AN ENGLISH DEGREE I'M ALLOWED TO MAKE UP WORDS. Shakespeare did it. Yeah he did. Look at all the good I do! Now get the hell out of here. Oh but first, if you're an insane fan of Metallica like one Miss Pan is, go out and buy the current issue of Metal Hammer magazine. They're on the cover. Oh yeah, that's right. I raped it. It's so rapey.




Anonymous said...

OH MY GODZ! You posted... and I COMMENTED!

I'm mystified by puppdums. For all the Bollywood I watch... I'm still not entirely sure what they are.

But hey, I'll dry hump 'em on demand. I'm just that kinda guy.

Anonymous said...

Also, you're so gay cuz you can take pictures at work. Hurrumph. I cannae do.

Panda said...

I'm such a photofag.

YOU WOULD LOVE THEM PIE. Because you just hump the box until it gives in (or open it in some other, more traditional fashion - like with your hands, ew) and then you chuck 'em in the microwave and they puff up! IT'S AWESOME. Then the eating may commence.

Anonymous said...

Fag is such a versatile word. I don't know how the world got on without it. You know, back when it just meant sticks.

Panda said...

Two words: the plague.

That's what happens kids.