Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hump Day Blog Whoring - No Show!

Yes, that's right, for all, 0.217 people out there who are following this blog, the promised "Hump Day Blog Whoring" is a no show this week. Why? Because there are more important things that I think I need to work on first, which are:

1. The blog layout. At the moment I'm just trying out a few freebie templates none of which are terribly "right" for us, and I kind of want to make -this- blog all spic and span before I start pimping out other blogs.

2. Consolidating a clear direction and purpose for this blog. I want to sit down with Mistress le Pan and figure out just what we want this blog to be, and where it's going to go. We won't be trashing Hump Day Blog Whoring like a dead body in a dumpster, just that we'll settle into our blog and then fire up the Blog Whoring anew.

Sound good? Sure. You bet it does.