Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hump Day Blog Whoring - Ouch My Face Hurts

Here it is, people. Hump Day.

And I can't tell you how glad I am this week is almost through. I'm so sick of this week. You ever meet those people who are so frustrating that you just want to punch them in the face? I deal with some of these people at work. Hell, they're so frustrating I'd punch myself in the face just to have a reason to get away from them.

I shan't get into it, because this place was never meant to be a forum for venting the trails and tribulations of my accidental career, but I shall ask you this:

How hard is it to grasp the concept of the "Subject" field of an email? Hmm? If I get one more email with the subject "Hi Raynor" followed by an email with text so broken and hackneyed I swear they typed it with their elbows I may burst into uncontrollable sobbing unleashed by my utter and total loss of hope for the future of humanity. And we all know what grown-man-tears are like. Uncomfortable...

But I shall bore you no more and instead shall present you the first installment of Hump Day Blog Whoring! Sheow!

This week, I'm whoring Ouch My Face Hurts by the lovely Ms. Maddy.
All you really need to know is that her slant on the world is always well observed and usually hilarious. The other thing that I love is that I disagree with her on a lot of things, like the entries in some of her Top 5 lists, but her critique of these things are too funny so I don't even care. For example, I enjoyed Avatar and X-Men Origins: Wolverine - hardly intellectual accomplishments for sure, but I was sufficiently entertained and I'm an X-Men fanboy - but her complaints were that beautiful bend of fair criticism and scathing humor. I could go further extolling the virtues of Ouch, but really, just go read it, mmkay?

Also, as I promised Maddy, here is a picture of me wearing my "I Have Two Fingers" shirt. If you don't get it, the answer is in her blog if you read far enough back. See? I've even given you incentive to go read it! It wouldn't be the same if I just told you. Something about teaching fish to eat for a man for a day or whatever.

By the way, I might be pretty close to legally retarded.... my webcam took this as a mirror image and I swear I flipped it about four times going "Is that the right way? Huh? No... I can read it both ways! Which way is the right fucking way!? Okay... breathe... Now, which side is my bed on...". Dickhead.